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Exam Stress

The majority of students feel stressed around exam time or near essay deadlines. It’s completely natural because you want to do well and at this point you don’t know how well you are going to do. There are some things which will help to relieve this stress:

* Organise yourself. Put your notes in order so that you can revise in a logical manner and be more positive about your revision.

* Give yourself time off for breaks to watch TV, go for a walk, read a book etc. It is pointless revising without breaks because your mind can’t concentrate for hours at a time. Try 50 minute revision sessions with a 10 minute break after.

* Exercise. A clear body gives a clear mind. Your body release hormones when you exercise which make you feel better.

* Talk to friends about work. You always feel better when you realise everyone else is in the same boat.

* Try and get a minimum of 6 hours sleep a night, going to bed earlier means you can then get up earlier in the morning.

* A couple of alcoholic drinks is fine but getting wasted is just going to make the situation worse, and reduce your possible revision time.

* Stay confident. If you’ve done the work this is now the time to show your knowledge and get something back in return for all your hard work.

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